2020 Event Cancelled

Statement from the Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards Committee
Recognising the widespread and continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards (GTTIA) committee has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Awards program.
Whilst we recognise the disappointment of the many individuals that support the forestry industry in the Green Triangle, the decision was not made lightly.
There is a significant amount of effort that goes into creating an awards
program for our industry from the sponsors to the judges and the many local
businesses and individuals involved in making it such a fantastic event. While
we are deeply disappointed to make this decision, it was simply
not feasible to proceed with the planning for the 2020 Awards.
We are committed to ensuring that the awards will take place in 2021 and once
again be the forum to recognise individuals and companies in the Green Triangle
timber industry for their dedication to best practise, continuous improvement
and excellence in their respective roles and businesses.“
We will also use this time to ensure the awards remain both highly respected and relevant for the timber industry and community.
On behalf of the GTTIA committee I would like to sincerely thank all sponsors, judges, industry professionals, businesses and the community that have supported the Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards from the outstanding success of the inaugural awards in 2018 to the sell-out event in 2019. We look forward to working with you all again in the future.
The Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards seek to benefit the regions timber industry through uniting industry players to support the attraction of skilled employees and encouraging them to continuously lift the standard of the skill base of the timber workforce.
The awards offer a platform to promote the image of timber in the region and provide the Green Triangle timber industry an occasion to celebrate the achievements of the many individuals and businesses that make up the industry.
Adrian Flowers
GTTIA Chairman
For more information email info@gttia.com
GTTIA Committee Members- Adrian Flowers of Tabeel Trading (Chair), Marcel Griffiths of HVP Plantations (Secretary), Tammy Whitehead of Glenara Transport (Treasurer), Sharon Freyer of Qube Ports, Roland Freyer of South West Fibre, Paul Hartung of OFO Wood Products, Daniel Rosenthal of Timberlands Pacific, Hayley Elkington of C3 and Tim Benny of Seed Energy.